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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:56 pm
by fsjws4
I use a company's name when I set up an SG address, using the format "". Makes it easy to know what's from where.

I set up an SG address for a while ago. It since filled up and started eating the spam. But today, I got a spam message to "". I can only assume that they intentionally misspelled the company name to create a new address.

Does this happen a lot?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:36 pm
by josh
Are you sure it was intentional? the 'u' is right next to the 'i' on a qwerty keyboard.

The accidental occurrence of this happens sometimes -- the intentional version has been exceedingly rare.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:12 pm
by fsjws4
Well, I can't prove that it was intentional. But it should have been an 'E', not an 'I' -- other side of the keyboard from the 'U'.

I haven't gotten any more after the first one yet. I dunno, do people actually type these in manually? I assumed spammers just bought or stole lists of them and did it all automatically. Never thought of some poor spammer working late into the night, laboriously transcribing lists of email addresses from a printout.

Kinda makes me feel sorry for the guys. Maybe I should lock in that fantastic low rate after all, then celebrate with some cheap meds.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:42 am
by josh
:oops: 'e', yes, of course. It does seem like an accident, except that you'd probably never expect a person to type an address that only existed in that context.