Is Spamgourmet still alive?

General discussion re sg.

Is Spamgourmet still alive?

Postby commu2 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:20 pm

The whole system seems to be broken in several places.

They don't send out mail to my target address since months. I tried several target addresses (,,,,,, none of these receives the mail with the confirmation link.

I tried There, the mail arrives, but the link for account confirmation is broken. works, but hey, I use spamgourmet for privacy reasons!

They deny that a freshly created (and confirmed) BBS account exists.

There obviously seems to be no way to contact people who are working there.
A private message sent to SysKoll keeps being stuck in the "Outbox" and doesn't make it into the "Sent messages" folder.
With a private message to Josiah it's the same.

And it seems that this issue with mails not being forwarded to their target affects a lot of people and none of them seems to have gotten help.

Even a four weeks old question from someone who is asking where to donate money did not receive an answer (see viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1908&sid=f7fa07b6f3a7f32646d879605aae15ef#p9291).

Is there anybody out there who knows a pricacy-friendly European mail provider where one can receive mails being forwarded by Spamgourmet?

Best regards,
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Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:37 pm

Re: Is Spamgourmet still alive?

Postby xxxxme » Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:40 pm

It still usually works for me, but I almost never visit the forums because there's barely any activity - which of course only means less activity.
Last I heard, donations were not being accepted. I'm pretty sure this is written in one of the pinned posts.
I haven't ever tried sending private messages on this forum, so I don't have info for you there.
If Spamgourmet doesn't work well for you with almost no support (expect *none*), then you might want to look at other email forwarding services which don't have quite the same features:
- E4ward (limited number of addresses for free, not automatically created)
- DuckDuckGo Email Protection (Free. Automatically generated addresses if you use their software, otherwise 1.)
- Firefox Relay (Free for a limited number of addresses. "Wait list" for paid unlimited account.)
- There are probably others getting into this game by now.
Edit: I use both Tuta (formerly Tutanota) and Protonmail. Tuta is Germany based, I believe. You can receive Spamgourmet emails at both of these providers by forwarding them through another service (such as DuckDuckGo or Firefox Relay) which gives you the flexibility of Spamgourmet (when it works, which is usually) with the security requirements these email providers require to receive emails. Info on setting this up can be found in this forum.
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Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:31 pm

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