Spamgourmet domains blacklisted by disposable_email_checker

General discussion re sg.

Spamgourmet domains blacklisted by disposable_email_checker

Postby lwc » Sat Oct 20, 2018 5:56 pm

disposable_email_checker is a free open source project that provides other projects with a blacklist of disposable domains.
Their list contains every single domain that Spamgourmet displays in its UI. If they happened to miss any secretive Spamgourmet domain, please don't write it here because they might read and add it too.

Here's even a case study of a project that uses this list: Mantis Bug Tracker is a free open source web-based bug tracking system. It has a forced protection against disposable addresses, so that reporters (and developers alike) won't easily dodge replies. You can see how it uses disposable_email_checker in Mirror 1 and Mirror 2. They were made aware of Spamgourmet, but pointed in the direction of disposable_email_checker.

If you want this situation changed, please join this feature request.
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Re: Spamgourmet domains blacklisted by disposable_email_chec

Postby SG-Fan » Mon May 06, 2019 10:12 pm

I did join the request without success.

Martis Bug Tracker rejects Spamgourmet's mails, because Victor Boctor's disposable mail checker rejects, too (lwc could partly stop this individual rejection). The latter rejects, because Kickbox rejects, too.
I, therefore, addressed Kickbox. Here is my attempt:

On Sun, 5 May, Christoph <> wrote via contact form:
Dear Kickbox-Team,
I'm a user of the email-forwarder Spamgourmet. Please delete "" from your blacklist, as you put the entire domain there accidentally. ("0" is a number, not a letter)
This domain is part of Spamgourmet. In Spamgourmet, users register with their real mail address and then send&receive mails via forwarding. When an interlocutor gets hacked and spreads spam, the forwarding can be paused. I, e.g. have been using theese forwarder addresses at since Nov. 2002, which I feel as permanent and not a fake.
Thanks in advance, Mr. Christoph Thomas

The support representative Mark answered:
Hi Christoph,

Thanks for reaching out.

While we appreciate the legitimate usage of privacy protecting services like Spamgourmet we have decided to continue counting them as "disposable" in order to protect other services from their potential abuse. Also, as Kickbox requires all verified data to be opt-in some may feel that sharing a disposable address such as one from Spamgourmet would not necessary be in the spirit of "opt-in". Our own CEO also operates a similar service,, and has added that to the disposable list as well for these very reasons.

Thank you for your time and understanding. Please let us know if you have any questions going forward.

Mark @ Kickbox

Christoph replied via e-mail <>
Dear Mark,

I don't agree with your arguments. At least, thank you for answering at all. I hope this appreciation reaches you and doesn't get stuck in a spam filter.

using Spamgourmet

Thanks for your understanding, Christoph.
If you have any questions moving forward please feel free to reach out.

Mark @ Kickbox stays blacklisted. I've had enough.
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Re: Spamgourmet domains blacklisted by disposable_email_chec

Postby unitacx » Fri Aug 30, 2019 9:09 pm

SG-Fan, quoting "Kickbox-Team" wrote:... Also, as Kickbox requires all verified data to be opt-in some may feel that sharing a disposable address such as one from Spamgourmet would not necessary be in the spirit of "opt-in".

I call bullshit (regarding the "Kickbox-Team" assertions).

For one thing, Spamgourmet ( is somewhat different) are not "disposable" but rather dedicated. Mail is forwarded within the defined criteria. While all email addresses are "disposable", SG mailboxes can be retained through changes in the user's IP services. In that sense the "opt-in" described is to not control each and every spam that "Kickbox" wants to send. Other than that, one is definitely "opting in" by using SG, because the SG address is in fact part of a subscribed account. So the fact that their own CEO sees addresses as "disposable" and is used for the same reasons as SG, doesn't make them the equivalent.

Re-phrasing, SG addresses are "dedicated addresses" and not "throw-away" addresses because SG addresses are generally not temporary email addresses.
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Re: Spamgourmet domains blacklisted by disposable_email_chec

Postby SG-Fan » Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:56 pm

I agree, that spamgourmet can be used both
    (1) for "dedicated addresses", which are intended to last permanently and reveal their name, and
    (2) for "disposable addresses", which are intended to serve for a few days and are sometimes anonymous.
I belong to the former users (1). "Dedicated" describes it accurately. However it is unusual wording.

Blacklisting has become terrible to me.
For example, Acronis took my $ for their backup software, blacklisted me and refused to activate the software. My electricity network operator Main-Donau-Netz never received my contract mails because of the black holes in their inbox-filters. ...

Last week I established my personal solution:
I bought my personal domain name. When I create a new dedicated address, I now use that instead of "". I purchased my domain at mail provider GMX, because their webmailer conveniently posts from up to 500 dedicated addresses and it is in my German native language. (Fastmail with the feature subdomain-addressing is said to be an even better English alternative.)
For already existing addresses, I continue with spamgourmet. Its domain hopefully survives the current admin changeover.
Unfortunately, GMX and Spamgourmet are not compatible to each other.

I'm so happy, that I'll propably never get blacklisted any more.
Herewith, I encourage every "dedicated address" user to buy his own domain. Forward your domain's incoming mails to Spamgourmet or use a webmailer.

Your SG-Fan alias Christoph
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Re: Spamgourmet domains blacklisted by disposable_email_chec

Postby SG-Fan » Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:41 pm

It's been a year since I complained to Kickbox about them putting on their blacklist.

For one week now, I've been receiving spam mails repeatedly. Either a spammer has hacked Kickbox's database or they have sold my address to spammers.
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