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They got through ... oh wait, no they didn't

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:06 am
Perhaps amusing only to me.

I've been using spamgourmet in basic mode for almost 10 years without incident. Great job.

Today I received spam from an address I never created. Logged in and sure enough the address was created today. I started to think my luck had run out and would need to add a watchword. However the address was a bit goofy, at-digital-cameras.d.*****@s** Looked back at my history and sure enough there was an old address, great-digital-cameras.d.*****@s** I created years ago. Appears that I am just a victim of a spammers typo. :)

Your track record is still perfect.

Re: They got through ... oh wait, no they didn't

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:41 am
by gourmet
CICO wrote:Perhaps amusing only to me. Appears that I am just a victim of a spammers typo.

Well, spammers could of course collect email addresses for all publicly known addresses and generate new address variations and send junk. That would work. But luckily SG is so small target, that nobody bothers to do that. (?)

In that case only fix would be changing watchwords often enough, which would be pretty painful afaik.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:42 pm
by poltergiest
I was hit today with two new emails to my address. Which is funny since I use other domains.
Both the emails were created today 1-11 and they were called xcconnecttest and xcconnect. I have been working up till a few minutes ago, I am on my "smoke break". I am sure I have not signed up any new emails today, I generally remember an hour or so :D

Spammers Harvest software is buggy

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:50 pm
by Jim27106
Once a year I see a new variation on an address. They usually just get deleted fairly quickly. I figure the spammers harvest email addresses and their harvesting software is buggy.