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SG regects direct SMTP connections

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:24 pm
by jgombos
I think it's a shame SG blocks direct SMTP connections. This is counter to the principle behind SG - that is, to control spam (and only spam) *after* delivery. Whenever I want to send a message to an SG user, I'm forced to reroute the message through my ISPs SMTP server.

It's not sending from myself that concerns me. I rarely send a message to an SG acct. However, I do not want others to be hindered in sending a message to me, because it throws a spin on my trust model that's outside of my control.

My first suggestion is that DULs are abandoned entirely.

My next suggestion is that DULs are abandoned for some of the domains ( for example), so at least I have the option of specifying an address that the recipient can rely on.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:30 pm
by josh
sorry - DUL? List of dynamic IPs?

We were using an outside list for a while but stopped. I can't be too specific about our configuration, but we don't generally reject SMTP connections as a matter of policy.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 12:17 am
by jgombos
Okay, that's quite possible. It was quite a while ago that I discovered the issue, and I'm only reporting it now -- since I was just recently examining my transport file (the file containing SMTP servers that need special treatment), and I noticed SG was on there.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:15 pm
by SysKoll
If you are attempting to send an email directly from a broadband-connected machine that connects to our SSMTP server, you might discover that your dynamic Ip address is blacklisted. In that case, use the ISP's SMTP server.