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? How to enter several "trusted senders" ?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 5:28 pm
by gpc
How to compose a trusted sender's list? Say you want mails coming from domains "", "" and mails from anywhere, containing "friend" in the sender address, to be forwarded through the same spamgourmet address.
Would a line "xxx, yyy, friend" work?
Does it have to be ",, friend" ?
How to seperate >1 entries? Colon, semi-colon, comma, space or what?
I didn't find any help reagarding that.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:35 pm
by ebuleheb
Unfortunately you can't add multiple trusted senders at once. You'll have to add them one by one. It would be a nice interface improvement.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:19 pm
by josh
You can have as many "trusted" senders as you like - they're applied to all the disposable addresses on your account. ebuleheb is right - you have to enter them one at a time on the "advance mode" page.

Each address can have one "exclusive" sender which is set on the address edit page. I only thought there'd ever be one, but some people claim they've gotten more of them in by typing more in exclusive sender box (I haven't tried it). If they're right, it shouldn't matter what you separate them with -- you could probably even run them together.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:39 pm
by gpc
Well, I just want >1 trusted senders for one (!) specific address. As you state, I have to enter them on the trusted senders field of that specific address (so it will work for that address only, not for all of my addresses).
Now, I want to have mails from say domain "" forwarded regardless of limitations. But there will be various senders using "".
So, what to enter?
If I enter "" only, I still get forwardings containg remarks like "(...message 5 of 19)" in the subject field - obviously that shouldn't occur.
Must I enter ",, ..." or do I misunderstand something?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 9:21 pm
by ebuleheb
I tried what you did, entering just the domain in the exclusive sender field, and I get anyone@domain.dom forwarded as trusted senders (not "message 5 of 19").

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:30 pm
by gpc
Now I found some time to play around myself.
I wondered how they parse the trusted senders.
In fact, you may enter >1 trusted sender; all you have to do is - seperate them by "|" (ORing them together, well-known syntax in regular expressions). You may _not_ seperate the list entries by blanks, as I supposed first.
Apparently you don't need to enter full domain spec.
Supposed I want,, to be domains in my trusted list.
I can enter: 123|xyz|abc
The latter would be more specific, of course...
Thanks for your clarification and answers!