prefix BUG?

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prefix BUG?

Postby Guest » Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:11 pm

--- I'll use the "John Doe" as an example ---

As I wanted an 0 forwarding but nice emailadress for usenet I created an account with my lastname, and created

The next step was to create an prefix j, so I could make nice looking and relative secure disposable addresses like

But what happens:

no matter what I put between j and doe they all count for the address!!! Strange isn't that? A possible bug?

Because now I'll need to reset constantly as I've already gave out 23 addresses. Help!

Postby josh » Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:33 am

I'm not following all the way through -- the normal format for a prefixed address has three dots before the at sign (four elements):

three elements are treated as not having a prefix:

and two elements are treated as not having a prefix, and having the number 3 implicit:

so, when you used the address, that would be the same as:

'j' would be the word, and 3 would be the number -- but if you had a prefix enabled on your account (that is, existing), the address wouldn't have been created, since there's no prefix in it.

after that, a three element address like

would still be interpreted as word.number.user, so the word would be 'j' (same as the other one), and the count *would* be 19 ('s', the first letter in 'something' is the 19th letter of the alphabet), but would be ignored because the number had already been set to 3 for the word 'j' by the first address above.
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Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 2:28 pm

Postby Guest » Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:57 am

josh wrote:three elements are treated as not having a prefix

Ahh, that explains a lot ....

So that means I'll _have_ to use: if I want to use a prefix.

( As you can see I found the domains without spam in it 8) )

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