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Yahoo & MSN Groups

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 10:02 pm
by PhotoJoe
How do I make the messages that are forwarded from a Yahoo or MSN Groups a perament address? The from header shows the indiv. who created the message and the to header show the group's address. But the messages is sent to my Spamgourmet address. These groups send me more than 20 messages per day.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:55 pm
by ebuleheb
You may use the "To" header of the incoming messages as well, instead of the "From" header, for the trusted/exclusive sender feature. So, just add the group's address to your sender list.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:50 pm
by josh
The "To" feature only works with the "exclusive" sender, not the trusted senders (I think :))

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:32 pm
by lwc
I've just had multiple messages eaten using ebuleheb's solution, even though it worked for years until now! Why?

Can an admin change this topic's subjec to "Mailing lists with a dynamic FROM address"?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:40 am
by josh
can you change a subject like that?

Not sure what your issue is, lwc - can you send me the headers from a message like that?

As you may know, we switched mail servers (both physically and from sendmail to exim) and the way that the spamgourmet code gets information about From: and To: addresses is very different (and much faster) from before.

We've seen and fixed a couple of bugs - most recently with reply-to addresses. Not sure what other effects the reply-to issue could have had, but it's conceivable it would have messed up some whitelisting, if the match had previously been (quietly) based on a reply-to address instead of a to: or from: address. The fix I'm talking about went in a few hours ago.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:27 pm
by lwc
Yes, you can edit the OP's post and change the subject.

The specific headers I meant was:
Code: Select all
From: {not anything that I've defined}
To: {the exclusive sender for my spamgourmet address}
CC: {my spamgourmet address}

The TO header saved it from being eaten.

I assume it may also apply for
Code: Select all
To: {my spamgourmet address}, {the exclusive sender for my spamgourmet address}

As you can see, there's no Reply-to header in here. At least not in my case. In my case, the TO header was treated like FROM, but not anymore.