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meatyblacks compromise?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 12:14 am
by josiah
A number of users reported that their account had been taken over. As
of 2023/7/25/23:30UTC we identified 10 accounts that were compromised
and had their e-mails changed to a address (I dare not
look it up...)

I've disabled, changed password to a random hex string, and reverted
the e-mails back to the previous accounts. Syskoll is reaching out to
you individually via your protected e-mail addresses. Please send a DM
to josiah containing your spamgourmet account and the date of the
compromise, and I can forward you the temporary password. You will
need to create an account on, or email

We suspect a password reuse attack. When you set up a new password on
your spamgourmet account, please make sure it is unique. Reusing a
password will lead to more account take-over abuse.

Re: meatyblacks compromise?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 9:08 pm
by lwc
Thanks I guess on their behalf!

I suggest move it to What's New to gain more attention.