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Sending E-Mails with Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 7:03 pm
by katha
my english isn't the best, but I tried to follow the instructions, how to answer an E-Mail.
Unfortunately I am doing something wrong, becaus my test-Mail never arrived. (I tried with myself).
May be, here is someone, who may explain to me, how to answer an E-Mail?
I copied the link, which was shown at my spamgourmet-Account into the Adressfield of the Answer-Mail, but I never recieved the sended Mail. Of course I use two different Mailaccounts, just for testing.

Kind Regards

da mein Englisch mittlerweile grottenschlecht ist, habe ich wohl die Instruktionen, wie man auf eine erhaltene Mail antwortet (die an meine Spamgourmet-Mail-Adresse gesandt worden war), nicht richtig verstanden.
Gibt es hier jemanden im Forum, der mir erklären kann, wie man es richtig macht?

Zum besseren Verständnis:
Ich habe meinen Spamgourmet-Mail-Account geöffnet, dort die Empfängeradresse eingegeben, den Link kopiert, in meinem Mailprogramm als Empfänger eingegeben und warte nun seit ein paar Tagen auf das Ankommen dieser Mail (hab mir selber geschrieben, damit ich nix falsch mache und meine "richtige" Mailadresse weiterhin versteckt bleibt). Und es sind zwei verschiedene Mailaccounts, bin also nicht ganz blond ;-)
Trotzdem klappt's nicht.

Hoffnungsvolle Grüße

Re: Sending E-Mails with Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:36 pm
by derday
you can answer directly to the testmail. so write a mail to and in your mailprogram you can reply to this sender.
nevertheless you didn't do something wrong, that's the right way (what you've described).

du kannst direkt auf die Testmail antworten. Also schreibe z.B. eine mail an und in deinem Mailprogramm kannst du auf diesen Absender antworten.
Trotzdem hast du nichts falsch gemacht, das ist der richtige Weg (wie du ihn beschrieben hast).
Ich hab es grade auch nochmal getestet, da kam alles an

Re: Sending E-Mails with Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:38 pm
by katha

thank you derday for your help.

Meanwhile I have more and more problems with spamgourmet.
Still not able to send an email from spamgourmet and sometimes I don't receive emails from different senders/companies.

Spamgourmet shall forward my emails to but sometimes I get emails, sometimes not. I know that and are a big problem for spamgourmet-users, that's why I changed my real mail-account. Does anybody have never any problems with a different mail-provider and will tell me his one?

I slowly start to become deeply disappointed :-( :cry:

Kind Regards

Re: Sending E-Mails with Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:42 pm
by lwc
katha wrote:Does anybody have never any problems with a different mail-provider and will tell me his one?

The only problem there is that sometimes it puts Spamgourmet in the spam folder.
I constantly monitor it (since thanks to Spamgourmet it's mostly empty) by signaling it as "show when unread".
And if a legit Spamgourmet mail arrives there, I mark it as not spam.

Re: Sending E-Mails with Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:19 pm
by Demetrios
katha wrote:Does anybody have never any problems with a different mail-provider and will tell me his one?

I slowly start to become deeply disappointed :-( :cry:

Kind Regards

Ich habe die selben Probleme mit When ich eine "echte" E-Mail-Adresse von ( verwende, dann werden E-Mails an NICHT an zugestellt.

Du musst einen anderen E-Mail-Provider verwenden.

I have the same problem with If I use an email address I want to be protected from (, the E-Mails to are not delivered to

You must use another E-Mail-Provider.