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Emails not not relayed to or forwarded by Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 1:23 pm
by spamgourmet-user

First of all, thank you very much for maintaining this service for so many years already.

I have an issue lately that emails from certain services are not relayed to Spamgourmet or not correctly processed / forwarded by Spamgourmet.
I noticed this behavior specifically for cryptocurrency exchanges like Kraken or HitBTC.
Emails from these senders do not show up in my Spamgourmet account at all.
They neither appear as forwarded nor as eaten, i.e. the addresses' counters for forwarded and eaten messages remain unchanged when the service claims to have sent out an email.
I even deleted address in spamgourmet for one of the services for retesting receiving an email from that service and the email address did not get recreated.

What can i do about this?
Are the crypto exchanges messing up in actually sending the email?
Is the email blocked somewhere between the exchange and Spamgourmet? Is that a targeted attack?
Is Spamgourmet not processing the email correctly?

Re: Emails not not relayed to or forwarded by Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:49 pm
by ooglek3
I too have seen some missing emails.

I had been getting daily emails from Redfin, the last through Spamgourmet was May 23, 2020 at 7:08am US Eastern Time.

Since then I have received nothing from them. Spamgourmet shows no deleted emails.

I still receive emails via other tags from SG, but ones I used to receive regularly have stopped.


Re: Emails not not relayed to or forwarded by Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:51 pm
by asdfadf
I had been receiving emails as normal, but in the past week password reset emails from 3 sites never arrived and possibly one customer service response.

Re: Emails not not relayed to or forwarded by Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:58 pm
by nikollo
I have had similar trouble with password reset emails. All password reset emails emitted from the site to any of my spamgourmet addresses just disappear (not forwarded, not eaten, according to address stats). I have tried changing the domain to mamber (net) and to advantimal (com), to no avail, so it doesn't look like the problem would be that they are blocking the domain. Why do these emails disappear? Has anybody else experienced the same thing with this website?

Re: Emails not not relayed to or forwarded by Spamgourmet

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:50 am
by score
nikollo wrote:Why do these emails disappear? Has anybody else experienced the same thing with this website?

I have experienced the same with Patreon. The (presumably large) email provider they use gets the error "Too many concurrent SMTP connections from this IP address; please try again later." for all the password reset emails sent to spamgourmet addresses.

Ever since the original owner of the service passed away, there has been no way to contact anyone in a relevant position to fix this issue, so I would recommend using another service or self-hosting for the time being.