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Add To Contacts - Which one

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 5:54 pm
by vikasa
My protected address is on GMail. I have SG reply address masking enabled. A lot of my semi-spam type marketing emails used to be classified by Google as Promos but now they are ending up in the Gmail Spam folder causing me. The traditionally advice to prevent this is to add the sender's email to your contacts. But because of reply masking, SG changes the sender's address from to

Question: Which email should I add to my Contacts? I tried the former but GMail spam filter still flags them.

Help? Thanks

Re: Add To Contacts - Which one

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2016 3:45 pm
by josh
I can't speak to how Gmail works, but if it's looking at the From: address, then it would be the latter of your two - the redirection-modified one