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Almost 10,000?!?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:36 pm
by End User
It was just noticed that one of our addresses was logged as having sent nearly 10,000 emails! We have NEVER sent anywhere near that many from all sources much less from this one address. Upon a closer look there are a few more of our addresses that are also listed as having sent many THOUSANDS of emails.

What can be done about someone(s) using our addresses sending out what is most likely RUBBISH???

Re: Almost 10,000?!?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:05 pm
by josh
There's a terminology problem there - the "sent" number is the number of messages sent from the spamgourmet server to you, the user, not the number of messages sent from you through the address. I should fix that. It made sense before we introduced reply address masking (which was, um, a long time ago)